This is HOW You become LEGENDARY

We turn ordinary people into powerful,
purposeful, profitable personality entrepreneurs.


What’s a personality entrepreneur?

Someone who builds one or more businesses around

who they are

– making the most of their own unique
combination of talents and skills.


How do we do that?

First, we believe that every single
person alive
has a powerfully unique combination of talent, experience, passion, compassion, and perspective.

No one has experienced life quite the same way as you have.

No one can do what you can do best

in the unique way you can do it.

If you don’t do it, we will all miss out on something great.


But, very few people naturally recognize

their own unique power.

It’s far too easy to get caught up in the flow of life

and miss out on what is ideally powerful for you alone.

The natural development of unique talent happened in some societies at some times in history.

But class or caste systems, industrialization, and public schools have worked hard for generations to alleviate you of your unique power and prepare you to serve other people’s interests while suppressing your own.


That fucking sucks.


And we’re fixing it for everyone we can.


We’re sick of systemized belittling. You’re amazing. You
deserve the chance to prove that to yourself and everyone else.


We’re also sick of gurus and marketers promising people
jillions effortlessly for doing simple stupid stuff

exactly the same way they did it.

Those schemes fatigue so fast, and most people are left having paid hundreds or thousand of dollars for empty promises while the gurus go start another scheme.


So understand two things right up front…


First, what you gain from Legendary.How

will be unique to you.

No two people have the same outcome.

What you take away from this experience

will be yours alone for life!

You’ll be the only source in the world of your unique value.


Second, what you gain from this

depends on how you leverage
that uniqueness.

You’ll be able to create something valuable and profitable.

What you make and how you make it will be up to you alone.

We can guide you on best practices

but we can’t do the work for you.

The work is yours to do, the reward is yours to get.

No promises of bajillions overnight. This will take
some time, and it will take some work.

But what you build will be unique and therefore uniquely valuable to people who can benefit from it.

Your profit is up to you.

But the only reason anyone won't make an excellent living from their own uniqueness, once they understand it, is that they simply don’t want to.

If you want to make an excellent living

from your own uniqueness you can.

That’s your choice, your work, your reward.

No one else’s.


So again, how do we make you legendary?


Over a quarter century, we have quietly developed and tested
a four-part process for bringing the best of you to the surface quickly.


First, there’s Shadow Mastery.

Everyone has a shadow. It’s supposed to follow your lead and reflect you. But it rarely does.

In truth most people are led by their shadow.

Your shadow doesn’t care how powerful you are.

Your shadow doesn’t care how happy you are.

Your shadow doesn’t want you to change or grow in any way.

In other words, your shadow is a nasty motherfucker.

You can’t reason or compromise with it.

You must master it and make it serve you before you can do anything else.

Doing this will eliminate tons of garbage
from your life immediately.

This first step will give you incredible clarity.


Second, there’s Source Mastery.

We all have different goals
and preferences. But we each have similar resources.

In this portion, you come to master your resources fully

while you also come to understand your uniqueness

and where your power hides.

This step give you control.


The third part is the big one. Once you take out the garbage
to gain clarity, and recognize the nature of your power so that you’re in control, we show you your four success switches.

Switch Mastery will reset them so that you can experience exponential growth almost immediately.

Expect massive gains in confidence, connections, capability, and creativity just when you need them most.

This part will set you on your powerfully unique path for


Finally, there’s Scene Mastery.

A fine tuning of your unique power,

so that you don’t just possess unique power and value,

you also know all the ways that other people need it.

...and how you can share it to provide power for them

and profit for you.

This part gives you the last piece of the
legendary puzzle – charisma.









This is all you need to recognize your unique value,
make the most of it,

and use it to empower other people

and enrich your own life.


Everyone has unique power. Few ever fully gain from it.

Will you?


This is how YOU become legendary.

Knowing Your Unique Capability is the


It's the difference between the 99% who struggle, and the 1% who are truly legendary and truly happy

Non-Legendary Life

  • You don't like your job

  • You have no control over how much money you make

  • You live for the weekend & time off

  • You're not really happy

Legendary Life

  • You love what you do every day

  • You make as much money as you want

  • You enjoy your weekdays & weekends even more

  • You are so happy it annoys some people

Don't you want to be so happy it annoys people?

Don't you want employees like that?

Shows you How to be Legendary!

We'll hold up a mirror to your soul and show you to yourself in ways you've never seen before!

(It's flattering, not gross, promise!)

There are thousands of self-appointed gurus in cyberspace promising you the sun, moon, and stars if you'll just follow their cookie-cutter system and do the exact same thing they once did in the exact same way.

That won't work again because it has already been done by them!

Can you imagine Elvis Presley, Jimmy Buffett, or even Taylor Swift, or Bad Bunny teaching people how to do exactly what they do and claiming you could achieve exactly what they have?

You are unique. Your story, solutions and successes will be exclusively yours.

We won't ask you to do what we do.

We'll show you how YOU can be uniquely amazing!

But that's not all Legendary.How does...

We Show You Your Unique Value & How to Profit from it.


We Give You EVERYTHING You Need to Market, Sell, & Deliver Products & Services Online!

All in One Convenient & Encouraging Place!

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Those who want to START a Business

Don't just build a business because you can, build the business that you can't not build.

Build a business that you'll never get tired of. One that shows the world who you are and what you're capable of.

We specialize in helping people who don't know what they want or what they're good at to not only know themselves, but also know exactly how to best profit from their uniqueness.

When you build a business that's uniquely you, you love what you do and have no real competition.

We love helping all sorts of people get laser-like clarity, then START, SELL, SYSTEMIZE, and SCALE rapidly.

Investing in your own uniqueness is the best investment you'll ever make.

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Those who want to SELL Products & Services

Once you've started your own business, the challenge is to profit from it as soon and as much as possible.

To do that, you have to sell products, services, or some combination of both.

For most small business owners, the hardest part of running a business is marketing in a way that leads to consistent and growing sales.

This is where our leadership really helps your business. We help you develop and execute a solid, consistent marketing plan to grow your sales quickly and continuously.

Those who want to SYSTEMIZE a Business

Once you have a business that's selling products and services effectively, you need systems in place to run marketing, sales, accounting, inventory, compliance, hiring, training, and more.

You need systems that serve you effectively now and as you grow. Systems that work together without problems and scale as fast as you want.

Our software as a service (Saas) covers everything most businesses need to market and deliver online, and it can be made compliant to standards like HIPAA and GDPR quickly and easily.

But our leadership and management systems are even more powerful, ensuring that you and your business quickly become and always stay legendary.

Your customers, clients, employees, contractors, children, and grandchildren will thank you.

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Those who want to SCALE a Business

Scale and keep, or scale and sell. A profitable, legendary and unique business provides tremendous value and security for you and your descendants.

Build a business worthy of your legacy, around your own unique value. Then set up powerful systems within it, and it will grow, with or without you.

It will provide the time and money for you and your family to enjoy and appreciate all life has to offer.

Enough to make a financial and social difference for your family, and many others.

Those who want to LEAVE a LEGACY

You can create lasting generational wealth.

You can create powerful solutions to pressing problems, and incredible opportunities for people who need them.

You can build something so unique and valuable that no one can compete with it.

You can create a lasting & powerful legacy.

You can.

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The difference between those who achieve great things and those who never do starts with what they think.

What you think, then what you believe, then what you do.

You will only believe what you think you can believe.

You will only do what you believe you can do.

So what you think is incredibly important.

Before you make any other decisions about Legendary.How or about your own ability, be sure you're thinking clearly by clicking the banner at the top of this page.

It won't cost you anything, but it could change everything for you.

Your Transformation Catalyst

We bring out your best and show you your most powerful traits and capabilities.

Then we consider your experiences, favorite activities, and interests to help you determine your unique & exclusive value.

We then help you apply that value to solving real problems and creating real opportunities for real people who have real money.

We don't stop there. We help you develop your solutions & opportunities into real products and services that people value and are excited and thankful to pay you for.

But we don't stop there. We also help you develop decisive and graceful leadership skills to attract and lead people you care about to a better lifestyle that's just right for them.

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Your Business Center

As you develop your solutions and opportunities into products and services, you'll need a system to market, sell, and even sometimes deliver them online.

We have every business management tool you will ever

need right here, and our system is Legendary!

We have...

Websites, funnels, membership sites, payment processing, two-way bulk and individual email, two-way bulk and individual texting, two-way private messaging and scheduled posting on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, LinkedIn, and X (Twitter) with more integrations planned. We have a built-in business phone system (voip AND integration with your cellular or office phone), forms, surveys, calendars, automated scheduling & appointment setting, We have pre-built templates and pre-built sites, with workflows for marketing with funnels, emails, and texts for all sorts of businesses that you can customize for youself and save weeks getting started. And there's so much more.

Best of all, it all works together seemlessly.

Oh, and all of it is connected to AI to help you automate and create with lightning speed.

If you don't understand all of that, don't worry!

We're here for you every step of the way!

Your Social Hub

One of the best (and least expensive) ways to sell your stuff is through organic social media marketing.

We help you become crystal clear on your expertise and present yourself as an authority.

Our system makes it easy for you to post content on all the major social sites and interact with your followers from one place. (And we keep adding more social sites to our system.) You can even schedule your posts far in advance.

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Your Reputation

Development Center

Online reviews can make or break a business. But monitoring and responding to reviews can be tough to keep on top of.

And encouraging your happy buyers to leave positive reviews? Who has time for that?

We make this easy. Our system can send out review requests for you on autopilot, even bribe cusomers to leave reviews. Set it and forget it. Then view all your Google and Facebook reviews at a glance and respond to them from one place.

Keeping on top of these opportunities is one thing that separates good businesses from legendary businesses.

Your Marketing Team

Once you know how powerful you are, the unique value you have, and who you want to help, you still have to go get them!

Marketing isn't pushing your stuff on people who don't want it over and over until you convince someone to buy.

Marketing is getting the right message in front of the right people in the right way.

We'll help you craft marketing messages so good, that the people you aim them at will feel foolish not to buy.

And we'll provide all the tools and training you need to have to do it.

But all of this comes after you've created products and services that genuinely help people in powerful ways.

Once we've done that, your marketing is easy and fun.

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Your Personal

Success System

You won't find anyone anywhere more dedicated to your success and happiness than we are.

Making you legendary is our business, and our business is really fun.

One word of warning, though...

We love all sorts of people. EVERYONE is welcome here because everyone is unique and powerful in their own beautiful way.

There is only one exception.

We hate haters!

If you believe you're superior to anyone else based on really anything at all, go away.

If you believe it's your job to judge and correct all the people who don't think or act just like you do, save us all some time and leave now.

Because the first time we hear you spewing that stuff, you're out. No warnings! We don't believe in tolerance, we believe in love.

Hate has no place here.

Start & grow a business that fully expresses AND fully rewards YOU!

It shouldn't be so hard.

Todd Sivers, Founder of Legendary.How

I retired early from a career I liked less and less as time went by. Like a lot of people I knew I had a lot more to offer, so I went online to share thirty years of leadership, teamwork, and people development skills.

But I quickly realized I needed far more than my specific expertise. To put my expertise out there I needed websites, funnels, and membership sites. To get people to find me I needed ads, social media content, and lead magnets. To get those people to buy (eventually) I needed bulk email, a SMS (text) marketing system... you get the picture.

The world of internet marketing can be both fascinating and terrifying. It's certainly intimidating and overwhelming even for people who know exactly what they have to say and sell.

But if you're not sure what your unique value is, or how you can profit from it the whole situation out here in cyberspace can intimidate you into doing nothing at all.

And that would be a tragedy.

You may not believe it, but YOU do have unique value. I've never met anyone who didn't. Not only that but you CAN use your unique capability to help other people solve significant problems and uncover powerful opportunities.

That means that YOU CAN create your own business, primarily online, and get paid for you what you're best at while keeping total control of your time and income.

Because of what I experienced when I tried to share my expertise online, I applied my leadership skills to the online education & software as a service industries and made something special just for you.

You can now find everything you need to know to build your own profitable business AND every tool you need to use for that business all in one place, here. And it all works together seamlessly.

You'll not only get the information and tools you need to succeed, you'll also get encouragement and support that far surpasses everything else out there.

I tried absolutely everything available and it was all so disappointing, I knew without a doubt I had to make something much, much better. I knew I needed to make something legendary to show people like you how to make something legendary.

I'm proud of what we've worked so hard to build. And I'm excited by how it will help YOU build something that you can be proud of.

If you're optimistic, honest, kindhearted, and hardworking I guarantee you can make an excellent living and build a powerful business right here.

You CAN be legendary. I'll show you how.

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There are FIVE Core Programs That Work Together to Make you

How to develop a Legendary Attitude

Having a legendary attitude is a matter of taking full control of your thoughts.

Practically everyone struggles with their attitude, perspective, and thinking. Most of us struggle far more and far more intensely than we realize.

It's not your fault. It's thought cancer.

Thought cancer is called thought cancer because it does to your thinking what real cancer does to your body. It relentlessly destroys your ability to think clearly and come to logical and effective conclusions.

Thought cancer is troubling for everyone. It ruins relationships, families, opportunities, jobs, businesses, and more.

For leaders and influencers, thought cancer is devastating. It can prevent growth, turn away customers, and topple empires in mere moments.

We not only cure you of any and all thought cancer, we also make you immune for life.

And we set you up to manage the destruction that results from other peope's thought cancer with grace and power, making every and any group you lead for the rest of your life free from the destructive forces of thought cancer.

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How to Develop Legendary Awareness...

Imagine suddenly being capable of 10x or 100x more than you're capable of right now.

Imagine discovering you have been capable of 100x more your whole life, and you simply misunderstood your true nature.

Imagine the freedom and power you would experience if you suddenly started setting goals that were exponentially more ambitious than any you had set before and yet you knew you could achieve them!

Now, stop imagining and start doing by taking the free trial!

Your Everything You Want Machine

Isn't this crazy? Can you believe there's a machine in your mind that you can quickly program to get everything you want in business and in life?

It doesn't matter what you believe. What matters is what you do with that machine. What have you done so far?

What would you like to do?

Program your Everything You Want Machine, and you'll get, be, and do everything you want.

People who take control of their Everything You Want Machine are 93.75% more capable than the average person who doesn't!

Don't believe it? Take the free trial and start opening your mind.

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How to have Legendary Charisma

Maybe the idea of this excites you, or maybe it terrifies you. Doesn't matter. Once you realize the power you bring to the world, nothing will stop you.

You'll gain phenomenal perception. Imagine seeing someone from across a crowded room, studying them for less than a minute, and being able to get them to like you, listen to you, and follow where you lead them. All because you can kind of see inside them. You almost instantly know what they want. You automatically know how to lead them in the direction they already want to go, the path of least resistance for them. That's phenomenal perception.

You'll also gain the power of benevolent manipulation. Imagine taking that person from the last paragraph where they want to go (making them happy) while also causing them to want to go wherever you lead them. (Helping them and you!)

This kind of power can be dangerous, which is why we don't give haters any second chances around here.

Now imagine using phenomenal perception and benevolent manipulation on any one, anywhere, at any time.

Now imagine everyone, everywhere, all the time.

Now stop imagining and start doing!

How to Experience Legendary Achievement

Here's something we know about you...

You don't want to be efficient. You don't. If you disagree, that's your thought cancer at work.

In fact, you want to be extremely inefficient. You want to watch the clouds, smell the coffee, pet your dog, and watch the crazy world go by. And that's just the start of your day, when you first wake up well rested.

Know why Tim Ferriss sold over 2 million copies of The Four Hour Workweek?

Of course you do. No one wants to be efficient for forty whole hours a week. But we could probably tolerate four in order to get thirty-six extra hours of luxurious inefficiency.

What you do want is to be so effective that you never have to be efficient.

If you want to experience legendary achievement forget efficiency. Embrace and savor loads of inefficiency and let it help you be ridiculously effective.

Let's stop pretending that we have all the time in the world. Time is our must precious and scarce resource. It's far more valuable than money.

Do what you love, at a pace that allows you to have an amazing life, and I promise you you will make far more money while working far fewer hours.

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Run Your Business

From idea to fully legendary, we'll be with you every step of the way.


We'll help you connect with potential clients or customers.


We'll help you capture leads.


We'll help you nurture those leads into warm connections.


We'll help you close those connections and sell your products and services.


We'll help you keep those customers or clients for a very long time.


The interwebs are full of noise. Millions upon millions of voices clamoring to be heard.

To grow your business you first have to know what unique and powerful message you have, and who it is for.

Then you have to be able to connect with those people by overcoming all of the noise. We give you the training and tools to do all of this effectively, and make it fun.

We bring out your unique value through training, exercises, coaching, and consulting.

We help you create the right social content and get it out where the right people will see it.

We help you automate social post management, reputation management, even paid advertising when you're ready for that.

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Included in your membership is a full featured Page Builder to capture leads.


Our intuitive platform allows you to create full featured websites with custom menus. Create high-performing and captivating landing pages all in one place!


Built right in is the ability to capture leads through Surveys and capture forms. You can integrate directly with our page builder or embed them on your own sites.


The major step for many businesses is to request and capture appointments. We've built our own calendar application within Legendary.How so you can capture names, addresses, emails, phone and text numbers, and even appointments all in one straightforward flow.


Nurturing people from cold (never heard of you, don't know anything about you) to warm (know what you're about, what you do, and how you can help them, and like what they know) to hot (holding their credit card up and yelling 'Please, for the love of God, take my f***ing money now!') is a delicate process. Not everyone will stay until the last dance.

But that's okay.

Cultivating your leads is not just about building trust with your ideal clients or customers. It's just as important that you weed out those who aren't ready or aren't qualified for what you offer.

Just like weeds in a garden, if you're not intentional about removing and re-directing those who don't belong, they'll suck out valuable resources without producing anything of value. Then you won't do as good a job with the people who are really ready to make stuff happen. Cultivation is both gentle nourishment and ruthless removal.

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With Automated Communication, Appointment Booking, and More

Cultivation is what you are able to accomplish after you capture the lead.


Our Multi-channel follow up campaigns allow you to automate engaging follow ups and capture engaged responses from your leads.


You can connect with your leads through Phone Connect, Voicemail Drops, SMS/MMS, Emails, and even Facebook Messenger.


Our full featured mobile app allows you to communicate with your leads on all devices.

Automatically book leads and prospects to your calendar without lifting a finger.


Create text conversations with the goal of placing booked appointments on calendars WITHOUT any human interaction.


Use our campaign builder to customize the messaging.


leverage built-in AI (Artificial Intelligence) and Machine Learning to manage conversations everywhere.

Create Membership Sites

Create a thriving community for your clients by using our Membership Platform.



Build Full Courses with unlimited video hosting and unlimited users.


You can sell courses or offer courses or lessons within courses for free, all in one product!


Your Legendary.How membership includes unlimited users, offers, products, and courses. You can create courses and memberships for unlimited clients!

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Close Deals

Our thriving community develops the most successful and visionary digital marketers on the planet.

Get all the training and resources you need to start or grow and kind of business.


With our built-in Pipeline Management feature, you can keep track of where the leads are and what stage they are in the sales funnel.


We integrate directly with Stripe so you can collect payments on websites, funnels, and even when someone books an appointment.


Our dashboard keeps an overview of where the leads are, and how much money has been generated on each phase.


Join thousands of other business owners to learn how they’re building Legendary Businesses

...and how you can do the same too.


Legendary.How has everything you need to manage your business...

Leads, websites, funnels, calendars and many other services that are needed to gain and keep customers.

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Control Your Business & Life

No matter where you are on your entrepreneurial journey, joining Legendary.How will take you further faster and make everything you do better and easier.

If you know anything at all about business, you know that every moment you spend working in or for your business is treading water. It needs to be done, of course, but not by you.

Now you can afford to automate a lot of your business so that it all gets done efficiently without you.

That opens up your time to work ON your business instead of in it.

Build more revenue streams faster while our systems work for you. Have both more free time and more success.

Use some of the time you recover to learn and grow your leadership and entrepreneurial skills so you can continue to accelerate for years.

Maintenance mode is for a bygone era. If you aren't growing today, you're losing ground.

Now you can grow faster and be more effective while also enjoying your life and focusing far less on efficiency.

Start Right Now

There are lots of things we put off until someday. There are lots of good ideas that aren't worth pursuing at all.

There are plenty of things with great urgency that we can't postpone, and they often force us to put off what's truly important to deal with them.

But the actions that are most vitally important are those that save far more time and money than they cost, and pay off repeatedly for years or even decades once we've done them.

The sooner you start, the better they are.

That's what we've built for you at Legendary.How.

Start now. It won't cost you anything to see things from the inside and make a fully informed decision.

You don't need to say "yes". Just say "maybe" and see for yourself how Legendary.How can transform your business and empower you every single day for the rest of your life.

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